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Canton Fair ke- 130 akan diadakan secara online dan offline pada tanggal 15-19 Oktober.

Perusahaan kami akan berpartisipasi dalam pameran online dan offline.
Nomor stan online kami adalah GI03
Nomor stan offline kami adalah 10.3E46


The 130th Canton Fair will be held online and offline on 15th-19th Oct
The 130th Canton Fair will be held online and offline on 15th-19th Oct1
The 130th Canton Fair will be held online and offline on 15th-19th Oct2
The 130th Canton Fair will be held online and offline on 15th-19th Oct3
The 130th Canton Fair will be held online and offline on 15th-19th Oct4
The 130th Canton Fair will be held online and offline on 15th-19th Oct5

Waktu posting: 16 Okt-2021